We are here to help assist your family every step of the way! 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the school dress code?

I am new to St. Charles -- what do I need to know?

Please click HERE for New Family Orientation Information.

How do I stay in the loop with what's happening at St. Charles?

Here are a few ways you can stay connected with what's happening at St. Charles School!

Download the St. Charles App: Our school app which can be found by searching 'St. Charles Redwings, OH' in Google Play or the App Store. This is a great way to receive notifications from the school regarding everything from delays and cancellations to events and see the daily lunch menu.

Read the 'Thursday Flyer': We send a weekly communication via email with important information for the coming weeks. If you have not been receiving these please email us at dieringerk@sccslima.org and we will add you to the list.

Get Connected with a St. Charles Family: We have wonderful parents who can help you navigate the school year by meeting with you or simply being a contact to call or text when you want the input of another parent. If you are interest in being paired up with a Family Ambassador please call the school at 419-225-2635 or email Kaille Dieringer at dieringerk@sccslima.org

Check Your Child's Assignment Calendar/Homework Folder: Be sure to check your child's assignment calendar and/or homework folder daily. Teachers will often write messages or pass along important information that you need to be aware of.


How do I get involved at the school?

Come to our Events: We host numerous events throughout the year and hope you'll join us! A full list and more information can be found HERE

Volunteer!: We have opportunities of all kinds for families to get their volunteer hours. Below is a list of just a few of the many opportunities.
Parent Task Force - April Sroufe (aprilsroufe@yahoo.com)
Cafeteria - Melita Bellman (bellmanm@sccslima.org)
Library - Mrs. Jennifer Thompson (thompsonj@sccslima.org)
Positive Addiction - Dylon Webb (webbd@sccslima.org)
School Auction - Call the Office
School Art Show - Mrs. Becky McDonald (macdonaldb@sccslima.org)

Per the Office of Child & Youth Protection and Victim Assistance, any volunteer that works with students in the classroom/school must be in compliance with the diocesan requirements. These are as follows and need renewal every 5 years

  • Selection.com/Fastrax Background Check - a social security number search completed through the VIRTUS platform. A $25 fee paid by credit card. There may be additional charges if you have lived outside of Ohio in the last 5 years.

  • Expectation Form – acknowledged electronically through the VIRTUS platform

  • Protecting Youth Course – Protecting God’s Children through the VIRTUS platform or attend a live workshop

You can make a VITRUS account HERE


What are the school hours?

K-8 Students: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays from 7:50a-3:00p & Wednesdays 7:50a-2:00p.

PreKindergarten Students: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays from 7:45 - 10:45 or 12:00 – 3:00 & Wednesdays  7:45 – 10:15 or 11:30 – 2:00

Preschool Students: Tuesdays & Thursdays from 7:45 - 10:45 or 12:00 – 3:00 & Wednesdays  7:45 – 10:15 or 11:30 – 2:00

2-hour Delay Schedule: K-8 students 9:50-3:00 (no early release on Wednesdays if there is a delay). Preschool/PK AM 9:45-11:45, Preschool/PK PM 1:00-3:00


How do I add money to my student's lunch account?

Cash or check can be brought in to the school office to add money to a lunch account. Please be sure the cash or check is in a sealed envelope with your student's name on the front.

You may also use PaySchools Central to add money to your child's account. Visit HERE to understand how you can use your debit or credit card to add money to your lunch accounts.


When are the out of uniform days?

Occasionally we will have $1 Service Jeans Days. You can find these dates on the school calendar HERE or in the Thursday Flyer. On these days students are able to be out of uniform for a $1 donation to various charities throughout the year. Students must follow our of uniform guidelines on page 29 of the Student Handbook (which can be found HERE)


What is Positive Addiction?

St. Charles Positive Addiction Program is the focus of the school's drug and alcohol education. The program, established in 1983, won national recognition in the spring of 1988 and is being replicated by other schools throughout the United States and world. During the weeklong program, students in preschool through grade 8 receive instruction concerning healthy lifestyles and the harm of drug and alcohol abuse. Middle School students receive intensive education by attending workshops focusing on self-image and relationships with others. Workshops also cover positive addictions or alternatives additions such as jogging, tennis, golf, dance, and biking. The final day of the program, designated as the Race Day, begins with a liturgy, followed by an assembly with a keynote speaker. The culminating activity of the day is a 3.1 (5K) mile run for sixth, seventh, eighth graders and adults. The fifth grades will run a 1 mile run. Students in grades 6, 7, and 8 will be provided a shirt to be worn on race day. Fun runs are designed for students in grades 1 – 4. Any student in grades 6 to 8 who are unable to participate in Positive Addiction activities must have a doctor’s note.