SUNDAY - Theme: Celebrating Your Parish

  • Join us for the 10:30 mass to help kick-off Catholic Schools Week 2020.

    • We ask all SCCS students who attend the 10:30 mass at St. Charles to wear their school uniform and as a thank you, those students will enjoy a jeans day on Monday, February 3rd free of charge.  Your pass can be picked up from Mrs. Scheid after mass in the gathering space.

MONDAY - Theme: Celebrating Your Community

Spirit Wear: $1 Jeans Day for United Way (free for those who have met their Kewpee Jeans Day goal)

  • Grade level activity to celebrate/thank our community 

  • School-wide Service Project:  Collection of gently used towels, blankets or stuffed animals for our furry friends at the Humane Society.

TUESDAY- Theme: Celebrating Your Students

Spirit Wear:  Free Out of Uniform PJ Day 

  • No Homework for Student Appreciation; movie day in classroom

  • Family Feud 9:30 in gym (Students vs. School Staff)

WEDNESDAY- Theme: Celebrating The Nation

Spirit Wear: Free Out of Uniform Spirit Day (St. Charles/LCC wear)

  • 1:00 Assembly in Gym- Mayor Berger proclaiming National Catholic Schools Day followed by Flag Ceremony

  • Write appreciation letters or make cards for military veterans

THURSDAY- Theme: Celebrating Vocations

Spirit Wear: $1 Jeans Day - Mismatch Day

  • Classroom vocations lessons and prayers

FRIDAY- Theme: Celebrating Faculty, Staff, and Volunteers

No Spirit Wear: All students will be in uniform today

  • All Lima Catholic Schools Liturgy at 9:30 at St. Gerard

  • 2:15-2:45 Volleyball game: Teachers vs. 8th gr. Students 

SATURDAY- Theme: Celebrating Families

  • Students give letters to family