TONIGHT! Join us for Trunk or Treat in the cafeteria from 6pm-7pm! 🎃👻🍬

Don’t forget! 🍩 Donuts with Dads 🍩 is tomorrow morning at 7am in the cafeteria! Dads, Grandpas, Older Brothers, Uncles, and any other guests are all invited to join us for this PTO event!

Did you know you can shop our book fair online?! All items purchased benefit the school and are shipped to St. Charles for no additional cost! Shop online today - Nov 2. at https://bit.ly/2CrTn4u or in the school library Oct. 26-Nov. 2. Thanks for your support!

Our kindergarten students visited Safety City today!

No School Monday, October 8th! See everyone Tuesday!

Join us today at 8am for the School and Parish Clean Up Day! Volunteers for indoor & outdoor help needed. Hope to see you soon!

Congratulations to our 7th and 8th Grade St. Charles Honor Society Inductees!

Some of our 8th grade students want to spread the message of kindness today! #BeKind

The second grade created solar ovens in Science class this week. Yesterday they used these to make s’mores. Today Officer Wogerman was here for RadKids. What fun learning!

Our fabulous third grade students learned about types of sentences by creating these beautiful sunflowers.

St. Charles is cancelled, September 14, 2018. PTO Slime Party event scheduled for 3:30-5:30 is still on for those signed up. Drop off and pick up in the school cafeteria off of Primrose.

St. Charles is on a 3 hour delay with normal dismissal time. September 14, 2018.

St. Charles School is on a 2 hour delay, Friday, September 14, 2018.

A reminder that tonight is the first Confirmation Parent and Student Meeting at 6:30 in the church lower level..

Fr. Chris: God's Blessings, Best Wishes, and Thank You for your Faithful Service to St. Charles!

Our Uniform room could use some TLC. Many items have been turned in since the start of school. If you have time to spare, this is a great way to earn your parent volunteer hours. You are welcome to help anytime during the school day. Stop in or call the office.

St. Charles will be closed tomorrow, Monday September 3rd, in observance of Labor Day.

We want to see all of your first day of school photos! Post them in the comments! #redwingpride


We can't believe it is already the last day of school! Don't forget we release at 1pm today!