St. Charles School is on a two hour delay due to fog. 9/14/23. No early dismissal. No breakfast.
PS/PK times AM 9:45-11:45 PM 1:00-3:00

St. Charles School is now closed due to fog. Thursday, August 31, 2023.

St. Charles School is on a two hour delay due to fog. 8/31/23. No early dismissal.
PS/PK times AM 9:45-11:45 PM 1:00-3:00

Due to temperatures, there will be an early dismissal for students tomorrow, Thursday, August 24, 2023. School will dismiss at 1:00pm. Buses for Shawnee, Elida, Wapak, and Lima City will be running at that time.

First youth football practice (grades 3-6) is Monday, July 31 from 5:30-7:00.
There is a MANDATORY Fall Youth Sports Parent Meeting this Sunday, July 30, from 5:00-5:30 in the LCC gym lobby.
Contact Jeremy Krieg at 419-905-7281 with any questions.

We are excited to add a new Dean of Students at St. Charles for the upcoming school year. Please join me in welcoming our new Dean of Students, Mr. Anthony Wilkerson!

It's hard to believe we are just over a month away to the start of a brand new school year! We can't wait to have all of the students back in the building again!!

Fall Sports Registration DEADLINE- July 1st
Cheer (1st-6th)
Football (3rd-6th)
Volleyball (4th-6th)
Soccer (3rd-8th)
Visit www.tbirdyouthsports.com/documents to register

Due to the forecasted rain for Tuesday, May 2nd, we are postponing the Fun Run for grades 1-4. The event is rescheduled for Thursday, May 4 at 10:00am. We apologize for any inconvenience.

St. Charles will be operating on a remote learning day, Wednesday, April 26, 2023. The field trips scheduled for today are cancelled. We will communicate if they will be able to be rescheduled at a later date.

St. Charles is on a two-hour delay with Plan be PS/PK. Wednesday, April 26, 2023. Departure adjustments will be made for today's field trips.

The Ohio Department of Education has renewed the Purple Star designation for St. Charles Catholic School. This is a testament to our commitment to serving military-connected students and families. Ohio’s Purple Star Advisory Board established a set of important criteria that schools must meet to be considered for a Purple Star designation. It gives us great pride to announce that our school continues to meet these criteria.

Remember to order your Positive Addiction T-Shirts. Order forms are due Thursday, April 13.

Reminder- The Parent Task Force / Sara's Sweets fundraiser order forms are due to the school office tomorrow Thursday April 13.

LCC Band Info meeting is canceled tonight.

St. Charles School is canceled today Wednesday April 5.

St. Charles School is closed. Friday January 27, 2023

St. Charles School is on a two hour delay. Friday, January 27, 2023. Plan B PK.

St. Charles School is cancelled tomorrow. Wednesday, January 25, 2023

St. Charles School is on a two hour delay. Monday, January 23, 2023. Plan B PK/PS